Road Layout
Our senior layout engineers have over 80 years of combined experience in road layout in some of the most challenging terrain in the province.

Timber Cruising and Compilations
Utilizing the latest in technology, our cruisers can assure you an accurate assessment of your timber values. In 20 years of cruising we have never had a cruise fail and consistently receive praise from our clients and the Ministry on the quality of our cruising. After cruising, we can generate a cruise compilation using IFS Software and send you everything in a nice PDF package.

Block Layout
Our senior layout engineers have over 80 years of combined experience in block layout in some of the most challenging terrain in the province.

Lidar Drone Acquisition
Using our DJI Matrice 300RTK drone and GreenValley LiAir X3-H data acquisition we can fly your project and carry out slope analysis, bare earth models, height/canopy models, and earth volumes and volume change analysis.

Wildfire Fuel Mitigation
Our dedicated and experienced crews will ensure that your fuel mitigation treatments are completed professionally and on time.

Woodlot Management
Everything you require for your woodlot from WLP, Woodlot AAC calculations consultation, private land removals, layout and engineering, One CP, logging contractor supervision, marketing wood, RESULTS, planting, waste assessments, safety, silviculture planning and treatments, free-to-grow surveys, site plans. We own a woodlot and do works on 8 other woodlots.

Road and Fireguard Deactivation
Pioneer has been certified by the Ministry of Forests as Road Deactivation and Rehabilitation Specialists and have held multiple year contracts doing deactivation prescriptions and supervision in the Columbia Forest District.

Culvert/Bridge Installation
We can survey, design, and install your culverts and bridges. We have several years of hands-on supervision and installation of culverts and bridges.

Private Land Valuations
Call us to have an evaluation of timber values on your private land or a piece of land you are thinking of buying. If you require a LEGAL SURVEY for any reason please visit the Association of British Columbia Land Surveyors website here.

Project Management
We have successfully managed several multi-million dollar contracts. If you want your project to run smoothly, on time, and on budget, let our project management team handle things for you.

Road Design
We have been designing roads using Softree Road Eng. successfully for several years. Our construction experience provides our road designer with the skills and know-how to ensure the design is practical to implement when it comes time to build. After designing we can grade stake/right-of-way ribbon and carry through on with construction supervision. Pre-planning road options for costing based on LiDar data before boots on the ground.

GIS / Mapping
With over 20 years of GIS experience, our GIS team has the knowledge and experience to satisfy all of your mapping and data query needs.

We have 10 dedicated GPS units capable of achieving centimeter level accuracy for any of your GPS needs. We have created several data dictionaries that speed up the field process and office processing time saving you money and giving you a quality product.

major Structure Site Plans
Bridge site plans, major culvert site plans, detailed crossing plans. Our total station crew can complete your on-site data collection. Our GIS crew will design your site and our supervisory staff can carry out supervision on the install.

Pest Management
We have several years of mountain pine beetle and fir beetle surveying and treatments in BC. We have also carried out detailed insect trapping and processing contracts for the Canadian Food Inspection agency.

Community Wildfire Resiliency Planning / FireSmart
We have completed several CWRP’s and CWPP’s over the years and continue to develop fuel management prescriptions and supervise the implementation of projects. We have 3 FireSmart representatives for home / community assessments.

Wildlife and Danger Tree Assessments, Protection and Removal
With our certified danger tree assessors (parks, forestry, and fires) we have completed several projects for the Ministry of Environment, Parks Canada, Industry, and BC Parks. Assessing, removing, recommendations, protection before habitat burns.

BC Hydro Security Checks for Lines/New Right-of-Way Establishment
We have carried out various contracts for BC Hydro over the years. We were responsible for road construction, right of way clearing, security clearance, wildlife tree establishment and protection, fire hazard assessments, and project management on the clearing phases of two new hydro lines.

Fireguard Layout, Deactivation & Rehabilitation Assessments / Supervision
Pioneer has had multiple years of contracts with BC Wildfire and Ministry of Forests for Fireguard layout and equipment supervision on active fires. As well we conduct Fireguard deactivation and rehab assessments and supervision.

Wildlife Assessments & Nesting Bird Surveys
Pioneer conducts bird and bat nesting surveys for Parks Canada for identified danger trees prior to removal. Throughout the multiple years of road and block development work we have identified, located and protected many types of wildlife features including stick nests, dens, wallows and mineral licks.
Recreation Sites and Trails
Over the last 15 years we have designed and constructed campgrounds, installed aluminum bridges, constructed log bridges designed and constructed new hiking/biking trails and cross country ski trails. We also have extensive experience maintaining recreational trails and facilities and installing infrastructure.

Can we Help You?
Get in touch to see how we can support your next project!